Incredible Yoga Stories
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Sonia Homegrown Power Yoga student
What is it that keeps you coming back to Homegrown Power Yoga?
The emotional, mental and physical well being, the feeling of truly being connected with my inner self, the community, the inspiring instructors – there are countless reasons for which I keep coming back to HPY. HPY really feels like a place where I belong. No mater in what shape or form I walk in through the door, I ALWAYS walk out the doors feeling strong, positive and ready to face anything that life throws at me. It reminds me of that song from Lion King movie I love – Hakuna Matata – It means no worries, for rest of your days.
How has practicing here at HPY impacted you/life?
I have been practicing yoga for quite some years, but for me the shift happened after I joined HPY. Alison and team have this unique way of letting you grow at your own pace but at the same time noticing just that right moment to jump in and elevate you to the next level. It is very hard for me to even describe what HPY has done for me without having tears in my eyes. It has touched every aspects of my life. It has made me physically strong, emotionally humble, gave me an open heart, taught me to be part of the community, appreciate life and most of all just be in the moment and accept life. Simply put it has given me a better self that I love and that is true bliss.
If you could give advise to anyone who is on the fence about yoga, what is the one thing your would say to them to encourage them to go for it?
I would say this is one gift that we all need to give to ourselves. No matter where you are in your journey of life, yoga will meet you there. It will uplift you, it will heal you, it will touch your soul and at the same time make you more physically strong and nimble. The strong foundational flow, the breathing technique, the meditative nature works wonders for each and every body. Give it a try and you will never regret it.
Diane Homegrown Power Yoga student
What is it that keeps you coming back to Homegrown Power Yoga?
I was involved in organized sports all of my life. Somewhere along the line, work and family obligations took over and I completely dropped all outlets and activities for me. HPY has helped me swing the pendulum back towards my health and well-being for the first time in a long time. Not only am I taking care of “me” again but yoga has opened up a whole new world. I have never been a part of a program or activity that makes me feel completely satiated on all fronts—mentally, physically, emotionally. The positive energy and wonderfully supportive environment is amazing. The one hour I take for myself at HPY is the best part of my day!
How has practicing here at HPY impacted you/life?
I think my answer above covers this! Feel free to cut and move my answers around!
If you could give advise to anyone who is on the fence about yoga, what is the one thing your would say to them to encourage them to go for it?
I told myself I would try yoga for 30 days and then decide if it was for me. By class #3, I was ready to sign up for a life-long membership! Anyone can walk into this yoga studio and get something out of each class. It doesn’t matter if you have done yoga for years or if it’s your first day. The teachers are supportive and the environment is welcoming. I wish I had taken the leap to explore yoga much sooner! Don’t wait like I did- you can join any class with any teacher. There aren’t “levels” to worry about. Every teacher is amazing and adds their unique spin to the practice.
Megan Homegrown Power Yoga student
What is it that keeps you coming back to Homegrown Power Yoga?
I keep coming back to HPY because this practice continues to add value to my life in so many positive ways.
How has practicing here at HPY impacted you/life?
This practice has been trans-formative. When I started, my primary goal was to build strength and I was looking at practicing as a means to attain physical goals I had set for myself. However, the most beneficial part of the practice, that I have realized over time, is the impact it has on how I feel about myself and how I choose to experience life. I am in an evolving process of learning to appreciate and accept the inevitable ups and downs of life. I’ve learned to be easier on myself through the moving meditation of yoga, and practicing mindfulness during other times of my day. How I interact with those around me has transformed as well as I work to be present and grateful for what I have, and who I have the privilege of interacting with in my daily life. I feel extreme gratitude not only towards Alison and the HPY community, but for all the people and experiences in my life. I didn’t use to view things through this lens, and with consistent practice this gratitude and appreciation is enhanced.
If you could give advise to anyone who is on the fence about yoga, what is the one thing your would say to them to encourage them to go for it?
Yoga takes you however you are, and the ability to adapt every movement to however you are feeling physically and mentally makes it accessible to everyone. While this access makes it a wonderful physical practice for anyone, the more important impact is the path it puts you on towards acceptance, appreciation, gratitude and love for yourself, for others and for life in general.
Betsy Homegrown Power Yoga student
What is it that keeps you coming back to Homegrown Power Yoga?
This place is different and I feel safe to just be me. Every time I take a class, I leave with a new understanding of myself... this is usually a small and simple thing, and yet it is significant to me. And so this is helping me work through my “not good enough” thoughts that keep me from doing the things that I want to do to take care of myself. Here’s an example of what this looks like: “I can’t go to class because my toenail polish is chipping.” And then I make it to class anyway, but the dialogue in my mind keeps going. And then I realize I’m taking class, but I’m not really trying. And then an “aha” moment of recognition happens and the dialogue shifts to “Wow, really Betsy? You are trying to hide your feet because you are embarrassed that your toenails are not painted?!? How is that working for you? Maybe it’s time to let that go...” This allows for another way of doing things - another choice. And sometimes I respond to that in the first three minutes of class or in my stubbornness, I might respond and shift my approach at the 59th minute. Either way, there is freedom in this understanding and in the letting go.
How has practicing here at HPY impacted you/life?
I come from some pretty rough places, and then have spent the past 20 years working with people and communities that experienced different levels of trauma. The cumulative effects of this on my body and mind led me to having unrealistic expectations of always trying to do more and that nothing was good enough. The sense of community I feel at HPY has helped me believe the fact that I am excellent just the way that I am, with what I have offer, as long as I “show-up.” And show-up in the way that I am able, even when the conditions are not exactly how I’d like them to be... from small things like having my toenails painted; well into the big things that completely change our lives. What comes side-by-side with this is integrity and accountability. I am practicing being honest and accountable with and to myself. It’s not easy, but I am having fun with becoming strong from the inside out.
If you could give advise to anyone who is on the fence about yoga, what is the one thing your would say to them to encourage them to go for it?
Come as you are. I didn’t imagine that I would be doing yoga yet alone join a place, and here I am! This past January I sprained my ankle badly. I showed-up anyways and stayed down on my knees for five weeks before I could stand. I’ve seen others in jeans, work clothes, whatever they have. The other thing is that sometimes we need to get off the fence. Make the choice to do something for you. If it’s not yoga then that’s O.K., but you won’t know unless you try. And try two classes. If after the second class it’s not giving you what you need, then try something else...You absolutely deserve to find something that works for you, to take care of yourself. You absolutely deserve to bring more freedom and joy into your life.
Mie Homegrown Power Yoga student
What is it that keeps you coming back to Homegrown Power Yoga?
There are so many things that keeps me coming back... when I first started, I only saw yoga as another form of exercise. Now I keep coming back, not only for the physical wellness, but also for the emotional, mental and spiritual wellness. The questions and the flow keeps me grounded in life, in my relationships, in my work... and it lifts me up. I keep coming back because I realized that it’s important to care for myself to care for my loved ones around me. I keep coming back because the individuals in the room are powerful... and the energy in the room is contagious!
How has practicing here at HPY impacted you/life?
In so many ways! I feel like it’s my second home... I feel welcomed, loved, and cared for when I arrive. I feel accomplished, stronger, grounded. My family and colleagues have noted the difference in my language, my affect, my energy. I’ve moved away from the way I look to focus on how I feel and think.
If you could give advise to anyone who is on the fence about yoga, what is the one thing your would say to them to encourage them to go for it?
You, too, can do the Crow pose! All joking aside, I’m all about being curious... just be curious to the message, to what your body and mind are asking for, and just dive in. What have we got to lose? What have we got to gain?
Molly Homegrown Power Yoga student
What is it that keeps you coming back to Homegrown Power Yoga?
I have a hard time articulating exactly why I first started coming to HPY regularly. When I first started, I was trying to recover from a fairly traumatic illness, and I felt that no matter what I did, I would never feel like a normal person again. I was trying the “fake it until you make it” approach, and going about my daily life as it had been before my illness, but it wasn’t working. I felt awful -- physically, mentally and emotionally. When I started coming to HPY, little by little, I started to feel better. When I completed my first 30 day challenge, I felt much better than I had in a very long time. I understood what Alison meant when she talked about the practice being restorative, and I started to believe that recovery was possible, and that I actually could go beyond being the person I was before, and continue to grow -- physically, mentally and emotionally. That was well over a year ago, and I still make it a priority to try to come to yoga every day because I realize that discovery never ends. Each time I attend, I feel like the practice continues to restore my faith in myself, in my abilities and in the community around me, which is supportive and wonderful.
How has practicing here at HPY impacted you/life?
It’s given me so much... At the beginning of each practice, I walk into the studio and even if I don’t know everyone there, I feel as if I’m surrounded by friends or at the very least, good people with nothing but good intentions (at least for the next hour :). At the end of each practice, I feel immense gratitude for my health, myself, the practice, my family and life, Alison and all the good things I have. Each practice reminds me how connected all of these things are, and gives me a sense of peace no matter what else is going on outside the door. I’ve brought my kids with me when I know they are all tangled up inside and can’t get a hold on things. I see it’s immediate impact on them, and they walk out feeling better because they have used their bodies physically, but mostly because they have taken some time to just be. That’s hard for all of us, but especially kids. HPY has helped me find a place I can just be and feel better, and that I can bring my family to do the same.
If you could give advise to anyone who is on the fence about yoga, what is the one thing your would say to them to encourage them to go for it?
I think the only thing you can say is just go. When you really don’t think you want to go; when you’ve convinced yourself it’s not for you or you’re not ready or you’re not stretchy or bendy or “one of those yoga people,” you should just go. No one in the room is ready or stretchy or bendy or knows all the moves or is “one of those yoga people.” They are just people who want to feel as if they’ve done something during the day to make themselves feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. I would say drop everything you thought you knew about yoga, the “kind” of people who do it and what you think will happen, and just go and find out. It’s different for everyone, but you always get what you need.
Stephanie Homegrown Power Yoga student
What is it that keeps you coming back to Homegrown Power Yoga?
The community keeps me coming back to HPY. Old friends, new friends, and the supportive and welcoming atmosphere. Being greeted by name every time I walk through the door. HPY is a safe place to be present and give yourself the gift of time dedicated to your wellbeing. Meeting myself daily on my mat is always a fun challenge. The warmth of the floor on my feet and the brilliance of the sun shining through the giant wall of windows seals the deal!
How has practicing here at HPY impacted you/life?
Wow. HPY has impacted every facet of my being. I have grown to love my body for what it is, strong and capable. I have learned to trust the process, breathe through “it”, be present and clear, and show up!
If you could give advise to anyone who is on the fence about yoga, what is the one thing your would say to them to encourage them to go for it?
SHOW UP AND HAVE FUN! It will change your life-mind-body and soul.