Sonia Homegrown Power Yoga Student
What is it that keeps you coming back to Homegrown Power Yoga?
The emotional, mental and physical well being, the feeling of truly being connected with my inner self, the community, the inspiring instructors – there are countless reasons for which I keep coming back to HPY. HPY really feels like a place where I belong. No mater in what shape or form I walk in through the door, I ALWAYS walk out the doors feeling strong, positive and ready to face anything that life throws at me. It reminds me of that song from Lion King movie I love – Hakuna Matata – It means no worries, for rest of your days.
How has practicing here at HPY impacted you/life?
I have been practicing yoga for quite some years, but for me the shift happened after I joined HPY. Alison and team have this unique way of letting you grow at your own pace but at the same time noticing just that right moment to jump in and elevate you to the next level. It is very hard for me to even describe what HPY has done for me without having tears in my eyes. It has touched every aspects of my life. It has made me physically strong, emotionally humble, gave me an open heart, taught me to be part of the community, appreciate life and most of all just be in the moment and accept life. Simply put it has given me a better self that I love and that is true bliss.
If you could give advice to anyone who is on the fence about yoga, what is the one thing your would say to them to encourage them to go for it?
I would say this is one gift that we all need to give to ourselves. No matter where you are in your journey of life, yoga will meet you there. It will uplift you, it will heal you, it will touch your soul and at the same time make you more physically strong and nimble. The strong foundational flow, the breathing technique, the meditative nature works wonders for each and every body. Give it a try and you will never regret it.
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