Diane HPY student
What is it that keeps you coming back to Homegrown Power Yoga?
I was involved in organized sports all of my life. Somewhere along the line, work and family obligations took over and I completely dropped all outlets and activities for me. HPY has helped me swing the pendulum back towards my health and well-being for the first time in a long time. Not only am I taking care of “me” again but yoga has opened up a whole new world. I have never been a part of a program or activity that makes me feel completely satiated on all fronts—mentally, physically, emotionally. The positive energy and wonderfully supportive environment is amazing. The one hour I take for myself at HPY is the best part of my day!
How has practicing here at HPY impacted you/life?
I think my answer above covers this! Feel free to cut and move my answers around!
If you could give advise to anyone who is on the fence about yoga, what is the one thing your would say to them to encourage them to go for it?
I told myself I would try yoga for 30 days and then decide if it was for me. By class #3, I was ready to sign up for a life-long membership! Anyone can walk into this yoga studio and get something out of each class. It doesn’t matter if you have done yoga for years or if it’s your first day. The teachers are supportive and the environment is welcoming. I wish I had taken the leap to explore yoga much sooner! Don’t wait like I did- you can join any class with any teacher. There aren’t “levels” to worry about. Every teacher is amazing and adds their unique spin to the practice.